Frequently Asked Questions

While this Web site covers most of what we do, you may have other questions about the MG Car Club. In this section we endeavour to provide answers to the most common questions. If you can't find the answer to yours please contact one of the committee members whose address details you will find here.What period does membership cover?

Our membership year is 1 July to 30 June.

  • Do I have to pay for a whole year if I join halfway through the year?

No you don't. The subscription decreases as the year goes on.You can get exact figures from the Membership Form by clicking here. If I join, am I expected to be involved in racing?

Not at all. The club has two distinct sides to it - the social and fun side and Classic Racing. Some members participate in both and some only one. Having said that, you can experience racing at a non-competitive level as we run regular Driver Training Days where you can take your car out on the track on a non-competitive basis. Click here for more information on Driver Training. You can also assist on race days as a Flag Marshall - it's lots of fun!

  • Does the club provide a source of MG parts?

No we don't. However there is a ready supply of parts from several companies in NZ, some of whom you will find advertising on our Web site. You are always welcome to ask another member for advice on sourcing parts both here in NZ and overseas.
You may also like to advertise your For Sale, Wanted to Buy and Exchange items on this website. There is no charge for members so, just email the web site administrator with the details.

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